Présentation du DN MADE
Diplôme national des métiers d’art et du design
Le DN MADe, c’est quoi ?
Le DN MADe (diplôme national des métiers d’art & du design) vise l’acquisition de connaissances et compétences professionnelles solides dans les différentes spécialités des métiers d’arts et du design. Il offre à chaque étudiant la possibilité de construire un parcours personnel de formation adapté à son projet professionnel.
Le lycée propose trois parcours dans deux mentions.
- English Presentation
The DNMADe is a Bachelor of Art Degree providing comprehensive professional training in a wide variety Art and Design fields. Students have the opportunity to tailor their individual curriculum to their career project. The length of studies is three years. This diploma confers European accreditation 180 ECTS.
We offer three undergraduate courses in Spatial Design:
– Architecture and Collaborative Practices
This course focuses on small-scale architecture and spatial infrastructure through collaborative and participatory practices. We analyse existing interior or exterior urban sites in order to understand uses and new ways of life before developing a project. The course combines spatial design skills with innovative working techniques. It includes model-making workshops, visits of building sites and meetings with stakeholders and users.
– Shared Urban Landscape Design
Students will learn how to design urban sites combining built and green spaces seeking practices respectful of the environment and eco-friendly approaches. Project work ranges from the analysis of shifting urban sites, with a view to understanding community uses and new ways of life, to drawing and model making workshops. This course combines skills in public urban site landscaping as well as knowledge of plants.
– Scenography of cultural events
This course integrates the design of spatial infrastructure for cultural and artistic events. Projects are based on partnerships with cultural institutions, private organisations and live theatre companies. Studies involve skills in spatial design, mediation, stage design, museum, exhibition and cultural event design. Students will engage in drawing and model-making as well as professional and theatre meetings.
A two- to four-week internship is expected in year 1 and a three-month internship in year 2. Assessment in the two first year is based on regular practical, written and oral assignments. A project research thesis must be presented in year three.
Les mentions et parcours au lycée Chérioux
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Candidature pour intégrer la deuxième année ou la troisième année
La procédure est expliquée dans le formulaire à télécharger ci-dessous.